Sunday, December 7, 2008

Getting Started

Majority of people start blogging looking to make money out of it, after reading about how people are using blogs to make passive income.

Most of us start by searching for good visual template for out blog and look for "free blogger template" or "free wordpress template" on google. We find good templates and use them, thinking good template will be key in attracting traffic.

Like i started this blog by doing the same process and in turn downloading this nice looking blog template from "Our Blog Templates"

Well it does help you in building a professional looking blog, but while you will end up spending months or atleast weeks in building a blog and generating traffic for your blog, you actually are helping all the while in helping someone make money right from day one.

Yes you guessed it right: It is the guy whose free template you downloaded and started using :)

We will start by understanding what templates are, how do people make money using those while still distributing them for free, and how can you make money using same process: All while still blogging :)

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